Your digital reputation
As a leader at church or within a CRCA organisation you are still regarded as a leader by members of the group and their parents when you are not at the group. Whatever you do needs to reflect the life of a person striving to be holy and as one having authority in the church/organisation.
- What goes online stays online. So think before you post and ask: is this post necessary, true, helpful, inspiring, kind? It is very difficult, sometimes impossible, to remove things once they are online, so it will likely be there for the rest of your life. Future employers are increasingly using the internet to research the personal history of job applicants. Be wise.
- Respect your friends. The photo of them that you find funny might not be so funny for them and they might not be very happy when you post it for everyone else to see. Treat others as you would treat yourself in all online interactions.
- Remember private images and videos you send to friends or post on a social networking page may be easily accessed and passed onto others and uploaded to public sites without you knowing.
- Don’t share too much information. Imagine everyone you know – e.g. parents, grandparents, teachers, employers - seeing what you have posted. If you are not comfortable with that scenario then don’t post.
- Online people are real people. If you wouldn’t say something face to face in person to someone then don’t say it online.
- It is easy to lie online so adopt a cautious attitude towards what you read posted by others.