Interim Negative Notices
If an individual receives an Interim Negative Notice upon applying for a WWC Check this means that the Department of Justice intends to reject the application and issue a Negative Notice - hence the individual will not be granted a WWC Check. The Interim Negative Notice means that the Department has not yet made a final decision in the application and the individual may make a submission and explain why they believe they should be granted a WWC Check.
The local church will receive a copy of the Interim Negative Notice. Under the legislation, the individual must notify the local church within 7 days of being given an Interim Negative Notice. If the local church (either the Safe Church Representative or the Session) receive notification that an individual in the congregation has received an Interim Negative Notice this information must be immediately disclosed to the Safe Church Unit.
Any employee or volunteer of the CRCA who is issued with an Interim Negative Notice must cease working with children and/or stand aside from their role until the matter is resolved by the Department of Justice. This is to allow the CRCA to fulfil its duty of care to children in the Church, as well as to the person to whom the Interim Negative Notice has been issued.
Queries about the Working With Children Check requirements in the CRCA may be directed to SCU.