The range of activities in which our churches and organisations engage means that there are a number of uses for personal and/or sensitive information within the CRCA. The CRCA has made a commitment to adhere to the Privacy Act (1988 and as amended) and to the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) that are contained in the Act. The CRCA Privacy Policy must be read in the light of the Act and the APPs.
- The CRCA Privacy Policy for individual churches - link
The CRCA privacy programme
The implementation and adoption of the CRCA Privacy Policy is the responsibility of the individual churches within the CRCA. A model Policy has been provided for local adoption.
Personal Information Collection Notice
Whenever practical, as personally identifiable and sensitive information is collected for the church (for example contact details for participants in ministries or in the preparation of church directories) a reference to the Privacy Policy should be made. When collecting personal information the use of a privacy collection notice is necessary. Attach the following recommended notice to any form/documentation that is used to collect personal and/or sensitive information:
Personal and sensitive information provided by you and collected by the Christian Reformed Churches Australia will be used in conformity with our Privacy Policy (which can be found at or mailed to you on request). This information is collected for the primary purpose of the [insert name] Christian Reformed Church and may be used for any activities conducted or promoted by the [insert name] Christian Reformed Church. If you do not want your information to be used by us please do not provide it to us.
Church directory advice
If your church has a directory of contact details then the APPs and the Privacy Policy apply to this activity.
If collecting contact details by use of a physical form a template for collecting this information is provided below:
Church Directory Information Collection Form Template (insert link)
If collecting the information by email refer to the template above for wording of the email and make sure to include the following:
- The privacy collection notice
- A request for the recipient to email back their consent to be included in the directory and confirmation that the contact details provided are accurate and up to date
Upon publication include the following notice:
"The information in this document has been collected and published in conformity with the privacy policy of the Christian Reformed Churches Australia (which can be found at or mailed to you on request). If you would like to update any information in this document please contact us at [provide contact address and email]."
It is also recommended to include the following statement:
"The information in the Directory will not be released to any organisations outside of [insert name] Christian Reformed Church. No “mass mailing”, by post or electronic mail, will be allowed without the express permission of the Session of the [insert name] Christian Reformed Church."
Photo Consent
It is important to remember that privacy extends to the use of images of individuals by the Church in any Church publication or display (including online). Where possible and practical always seek to attain the permission of those whose images are being captured (whether still or moving images) for these images to be used in any Church publication or display (including online). This does not extend to personal photographs taken by individuals for personal use and that are not intended to be used in any Church publication or display (including online).
Photo consent forms for use by churches can be found at (insert link)
Privacy and children under 18
- Remember that children’s privacy is also necessary in how the Church conducts children’s ministries - especially in regards to the use of children’s images in photos and videos.
- Obtain permission from the parent or guardian and clearly outline the purpose of using the image of the child, how it is going to be used and for how long.
- Make sure professional photographers engaged to photograph or video children during children’s ministries and events are aware that any images taken will remain the property of the Church and cannot be used and sold for other purposes. Communicate this in writing (via email is sufficient) prior to the engagement.
- Do not allow photographers to be unsupervised or with individual access to children.
- Do not allow individuals to take photographs of children on-site at church without their parental consent.
- Do not allow individuals to post photographs of children on-site at church on social media without their parental consent.
- In the case where an individual photographs and/or posts images of children without their parental consent the Session (church council) must take steps to respond and instruct any individual undertaking this conduct to cease and desist from doing so immediately. Failure to comply with this reasonable direction of Session (church council) will result in further action, including but not limited to, the individual being restricted in their access to or being refused entry to, church worship services and activities.
- Be mindful of identifying personal information accompanying photographs, such as the child’s name, address or phone number. Group photographs reduce the risk of identifying children.
- Only use images that are relevant to Church activities. Particular care needs to be taken when using images of children for activities that involve minimal clothing (for example, swimming and camp activities).
- Be mindful of listing children’s hobbies, likes or dislikes, school, etc. when using the images as these can be used as grooming tools. It is best to avoid all such personal information as much as possible and where it is not relevant.
- Be mindful of privacy settings on websites when producing images online. Most websites are public places that any person can access; however, some websites can be made accessible only registered personnel.
- Provide details for parents or other persons of how to contact the CRCA Privacy Officer/SCU if they have concerns or complaints around the use of inappropriate images or inappropriate behaviour in obtaining images of children.
Privacy and Confidentiality Statement
Our church will collect, use, disclose and hold personal information of all people who fulfil a role within the church, in accordance with relevant privacy legislation. Such data will be securely stored and protected.
As much as is reasonably possible, an individual’s confidentiality is to be protected. Both those who are making reports and those about whom accusations are being made are entitled to confidentiality. Where there is suspected abuse or misconduct, staff members, leaders, volunteers and contractors must not disclose or make use of the information in a manner that breaches confidentiality, other than to report and act in a way consistent with the Child Protection Policy, Code of Conduct and Procedure, and relevant statutory requirements.
This Child and Vulnerable People policy complies with The Privacy Act (1988), the federal law which regulates the handling of personal information about individuals. This includes the collection, use, storage and disclosure of personally identifiable and sensitive information. Our church collects personally identifiable and sensitive information in order to implement its function and in accordance with the ‘Australian Privacy Principles’ as described in the Act.