
Synod 2022 has approved the implementation of the Safe Church Unit and has now appointed the Safe Church Facilitator.

Please contact the SCU if you need assistance in relation to a concern/complaint, an enquiry or if you would simply like more information about Safe Church issues. Please be assured that all matters will be dealt with promptly and confidentially.

Safe Church Facilitator:

Mr. Daniele Donnini
Align TSC
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.        
Tel: 0477 677 799

For all urgent abuse-related reports, complaints or concerns - please call 0477 677 799 at any time.


National ChildSafe Administrator:

Mr. John Van Dijk
P.O. Box 2135
Wellington Point  QLD  4160
Tel. 0419 330 003
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

All mail can be sent to: 

Mr. J. Van Dijk
P.O. Box 2135
Wellington Point  QLD  4160