Duty of Care and Safe Church

A duty of care exists when your actions could be reasonably expected to affect another person. As an employee or volunteer in the Christin Reformed Churches Australia (CRCA), working with children under 18 years of age or with adults, you have a duty of care towards the people you minister to and your coleaders, and potentially to others that you may come into contact with. You also have a duty of care to the parents of children in the ministry. The CRCA is responsible for your actions as an employee or volunteer.
Duty of care is your obligation to act as a reasonable person towards others in whatever circumstances arise in your position as an employee or volunteer. Your actions should be made with care, attention, caution, and common sense. If they are not, then you may breach your duty of care. 
This is why Safe Church CRCA has the Safe Church Policy, Code of Conduct, Procedure & Practice Manual and Basic Training, as well as role descriptions for people working with children. Taken together, these assist you to understand your duty of care in your role within the CRCA.

To minimise the risk of breaching your duty of care:

  • Apply the TAP principle in your ministry – Transparency, Accountability and Preparation
  • When you see a situation that may be dangerous take action.
  • Do nothing to harm any person.
  • If you are unsure of what to do in a situation, seek advice.
  • Complete the Safe Church Basic Training (Team Member Taining) before commencing in your role.
  • Be fully aware of the Safe Church requirements, in particular the Safe Church Code of Conduct.
  • Know and acknowledge the limit of your own abilities and expertise. Seek assistance in situations that are beyond your limits.