Visibility in location
In ministry to children under 18
- Don’t be alone with children under 18 in a place where there are no other people and you cannot be easily interrupted or visible to others. If a child wants to talk to you privately you can do this in the same ministry space where the main group is, by walking to a quiet corner away from the group. You could stand outside the ministry space but you must be where you can both be clearly seen, either through windows or an open door.
- Rooms where there is ministry to under 18’s should have a window in the door or the door be left open. You should be visible and not tucked away where you can’t be seen. If your church doesn’t have locations like this then it is important to raise this as a risk management issue with the church Session.
- Practise transparency and accountability in how locations for children’s ministries are selected.
- If your church Session is willing to allow “one-to-one” bible study and/or mentoring ministry by adults with children under 18 years of age, this must be approved by Session and the boundaries of this ministry must be clearly documented and approved by Session.
- Prior to the commencement of any “one-to-one” ministry by adults with children under 18 years of age, a specific permission form must be signed by the parents/guardians. Contact the Safe Church Unit for this form.
- "One-on-one" ministries must always be in the presence of others, refer the first bullet point. Note that our Insurance company will not approve any claims resulting from one-on-one situations.
- You must plan to meet at the young person’s home at a time when other family members are at home. Communicate clearly with the parents when you are planning to meet.
- If you cannot meet the young person in their home then either plan to meet in a café or another public place, for example, a library. You must take care to sit in a space where you can clearly be seen by other people. Again, you must inform the parents of the date, time and location of the meeting.
In ministry to adults:
In the broader culture in which we minister it is best practice to only meet one-to-one with a person of the same gender as yourself.
If you plan to meet with a person of the opposite gender then always:
- Meet in a visible location (whether on church property or elsewhere) where you can be clearly seen by others.
- Sit across from the person – not side by side.
- Document the meeting time and place in a diary or electronic note on your computer or phone.
- Inform another leader or team member who you are meeting with and when, so there is transparency and accountability in your ministry.