Our Christian Culture of Safeguarding Children
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14
Jesus’s words teach His Church that loving children in His name means safe-guarding and protecting them from harm – in our families, in our communities and of course, in the Church. For us as the people of God to teach His little ones the Gospel, show them the love of Christ and lead them in life-giving faith and worship we must follow the example of the Lord Jesus and do everything we can to protect them from abuse that would hinder them from coming to Jesus for salvation.
While our primary means of safeguarding children from abuse includes screening all applicants who wish to work with children in the CRCA, Working With Children Checks compliance and Safe Church training, our Christian culture of following the example of Jesus Christ also acts as a way of protecting children from abuse. Thus, when we take Jesus’ words in Matthew seriously we also safeguard the children in our Church.
For the culture of the Church to be deeply embedded with the meaning and actions that flow from the example of Jesus and His love and care for children, we must ensure that we not only include, teach and disciple children in the Church but that we also take active measures to ensure they know the adults around them care for them and will listen and act if they ask us for help.
Listening to children when they have questions, feel unsure about something, or have ideas to contribute in our children’s ministries ensures we hear their voices and take them seriously. This means that their participation in our Christian life and worship is real and meaningful. When children know that they can safely ask questions, raise concerns and ideas and seek help from the adults in leadership in the Church we truly live out the words of Jesus in the book of Matthew.