The National Child Safe Standards
The National Child Safe Standards are a direct result of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse which was conducted from May 2013 to Novermber 2017. Various State Enquiries like the Victorian "Betrayal of Trust" enquiry in 2012-2013 also delivered new standards that led to the introduction of legislation.
As a result of the Royal Commission, various State Governments have introduced a number of new pieces of legislation, which have bipartisan support among all political parties in their respective states. The Royal Commission also delivered the 10 new Standards and Principles which were approved by all State Governments and the Federal Government at a COAG meeting in February 2019. Please note that the Victorian Government have added one additional Standard to highlight the awareness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.
These standards are an excellent development in our community. The standards are intentionally designed to increase the safety of children in all organisations, religious or otherwise.
At the heart of the standards is the desire of our community to say “Never again” to the abuse of children within organisations in Australia – this is a great thing and something the Christian Church absolutely aligns with. For churches and Christian organisations the Child Safe Standards provide further impetus to achieve best practice in protecting children now from harm and from the lifelong effects of child abuse. The standards are a great thing for children in Australia and for the Christian Church.
The SCU has prepared the Safe Church Health Check, a document designed to assist all CRCA churches with the implementation of the 10 Child Safe Standards (11 Standards in Victoria). For further detail please contact the Safe Church Unit.