Commenced 1 January 2018 for all religious organisations in Victoria
The Victorian Reportable Conduct Scheme legislation states at Part 2 16B (1) (a) that “the protection of children is the paramount consideration in the context of abuse or employee [“employee” is defined as both paid and volunteer workers in the organisation] misconduct involving a child”.
The CRCA must comply with the Victorian Reportable Conduct Scheme (RCS). This means that any historical and current child abuse allegations relating to employees and volunteers who work for the Church must be reported by the Head of Entity (this is the Chairman of Session (Church Council) for the purposes of the RCS) to the Commission for Children and Young People.
The Church must also provide evidence to the Commission for Children and Young People of a legislative-compliant investigation and appropriate response to the allegation(s).
There are five types of ‘reportable conduct’:
- sexual offences committed against, with or in the presence of a child
- sexual misconduct committed against, with or in the presence of a child
- physical violence against, with or in the presence of a child
- any behaviour that causes significant emotional or psychological harm to a child
- significant neglect of a child.
For more details, please see the Commission for Children and Young People information sheet What is Reportable Conduct? or visit
Information sheets about the Victorian Reportable Conduct Scheme can be found here
The RCS is further evidence of the seriousness with which the State and community of Victoria treat the safety of children from abuse. The RCS forms part of a concerted effort to build a culture of child safety in Victoria across all organisations that have children in them. The main emphasis of the RCS is to ensure that all organisations are clear about their reporting duties, risk assessment and risk management.
The Head of Entity (HOE - this is the chairman of session/church council) must make the report directly to the Commission for Children and Young People - phone: (03) 8601 5281.
The report must be made to CCYP within 3 days of the reportable incident. After the report has been filed with CCYP, please notify the Safe Church Unit of the report-
phone: 0477 677 799