The responsibilities of Safe Church representatives are as follows:

  • Ensure the Safe Church Policy and Safe Church Unit Contact Details Poster is displayed prominently in their congregation/organisation building/s
  • Be available for members of the congregation who want to disclose abuse (provide a listening ear)
  • Keep records of all people in their congregation/organisation who work with children and who have Working With Children Checks and maintain these in SMO (Safety Management Online)
  • Ensure the above records are kept up to date (usually performed by the ChildSafe Coordinator)
  • Ensure that when a person indicates that they wish to commence in ministry with children that they undergo the Volunteer Approval Process, as outlined on this website. This includes ensuring the required forms are completed and conducting and documenting the referee checks
  • Ensure that when a person transfers from one church to another and wishes to commence working with children in the new church that the details are transferred to their new church
  • Promote and attend Safe Church (Team Member) Training
  • Be responsible for completing the Safe Church Healthcheck and forwarding this document (keeping a copy for their own records) to the SCU